Thursday, September 30

JOEY SAVES THE DAY! REVIEW from Jami Lee Mumford

This made my day!! 

I was tickled to learn that Jami Momford's granddaughter enjoyed my book JOEY SAVES THE DAY! AT DAYCARE!! Her granddaughter took the book to school, and her classmates and teacher loved it, too!! And they can't wait for my next book!! I'm so thrilled. 

Jami Lee Mumford is the author of Beyond the Veil. Her books are available on Amazon.

"Beyond the veil, spirit speaks while we sleep, is a collection of encouraging visitation dreams from people of all walks of life. Everyone has lost someone that they love and you all long to see them again. In this book you will see that spirit is eager to communicate with you, often times giving words of encouragement, hope and unconditional love. Our loved ones are always with us, they are only beyond the veil."

Here is another great book by the author Jami Lee Mumford:

This book is a MUST read!! It will keep you hooked from beginning to end! It is a story of connecting to the other side, love, sadness, and everything in between! Even through the tears I couldn’t stop reading it! If you want to take a walk into the spirit world then this is the book you are looking for!! Well done!! 

You can get the book on Amazon: Walking WITH SPIRITS


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My name is Mimi, and I'm the creative mind behind the beloved JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series. I have an immense love for diving into books, crafting compelling stories, nurturing young minds through teaching, and continuously expanding my own knowledge. In addition to my literary pursuits, I have taken on the role of homeschooling my two youngest children, allowing me to provide them with a personalized and enriching educational experience.

Facts about Elephants

Elephant Facts 

We are on letter Ee of the Gratitude Alphabet! E is for ElephantWhat are you thankful for that begins with the letter Ee?

Joey and his little sister Jinger are fascinated by elephants! The elephants are the first creatures they rush to see when they visit the zoo. Did you know an elephant's trunk can weigh up to 400 pounds? It's a remarkable tool they can use to pick up things as tiny as a grain of rice! Isn't that fascinating?

Here is a list of facts about Elephants:
1. Elephants can't jump.
2. Elephants travel in herds.
3. Elephants are the largest land animals.
4. An elephant's baby is called a calf.
5. Elephants have the largest brains of all land mammals.
6. Elephants can eat for up to 18 hours a day.
7. Elephants can smell water up to 12 miles away!
8. Elephants are afraid of bees.

Wednesday, September 29

Facts about Dandelions

Dandelion Facts 

If you had one wish, what would you wish for?

A wish is a desire for something that may or may not come true, but we can wish for it anyway!! Who knows, it might be your wish that makes it come true!! So keep making those wishes! Wish upon a star!! Wish upon a dandelion!! Wish upon a birthday candle. Always have a wishful heart!! 

I remember when I was a child, I made wishes on dandelions. Have you ever done that? I used to think the more significant the dandelion was, the faster the wish would come true. 

I would like to share some facts about dandelions with you.

Facts about Dandelions:
1. Dandelions are considered an ornamental weed. Their golden yellow blooms quickly become fluffy seedheads that disperse in the wind.
2. Pharmacists in 19th-century England made tea from roasted dandelion roots, which is still trendy today due to its coffee-like taste and color without caffeine.
3. A cup of chopped raw dandelion greens provides 112% of the daily requirement for vitamin A. From blossom to root, 100% of this weed (also an herb) is edible for most people.
4. Dandelions are part of the daisy family.
5. Dandelions represent three different celestial bodies at three distinct phases of their life:
The yellow flower represents the sun.
The dispersed seeds look like the stars.
The puffy dandelion ball has a similar appearance to the moon.
6. The seeds (the parts of the plant that fly away) can travel for up to 5 miles after being dispersed in the wind!
7. Not all people think dandelions are a weed.

Now that you’re equipped with fascinating dandelion facts, go share the knowledge with your family and friends!

Monday, September 27

Facts about Dinosaurs

Dinosaur Facts 

I would Like to share some facts about dinosaurs with you.

Facts about Dinosaurs:

1. Dinosaurs, the magnificent creatures of the past, were a diverse group of reptiles that roamed the Earth millions of years ago.

2. The term "dinosaur" was coined by English naturalist Sir Richard Owen in 1842. It is derived from the Greek words "deinos," which means fearfully great, and "sauros," which means lizard.

3. Dinosaur fossils, evidence of the ancient and colossal creatures that once roamed the Earth, have been unearthed on every continent. There are seven continents.

4. Approximately 66 million years ago, all non-avian dinosaurs, unrelated to birds, became extinct.

5. Scientists have identified an estimated 700 different species of extinct dinosaurs.

6. Modern birds are classified as dinosaurs because they have a common ancestor with non-avian dinosaurs.

7. Paleontologists study dinosaur fossils, which include bones, teeth, footprints, tracks, eggs, and skin impressions. Modern paleontologists use advanced imaging technology, such as CT scans and biomechanics, to understand dinosaur movement.

8. Early discoveries inspired legends and fairy tales, as people imagined these bones belonged to giants or monsters.

9. Dinosaurs appeared approximately 250 to 200 million years ago during the Triassic Period. Not all dinosaurs lived during the same geological period; some lived during the Jurassic or Cretaceous periods.

What is your all-time favorite dinosaur movie? 

List of movies for dinosaur enthusiasts:

1. The Good Dinosaur

2. Dinosaur Train: Dinosaur Big City

3. The Land Before Time

4. Barney's Great Adventure: The Movie

5. Bob The Builder: Big Dino Dig

6. Dinosaur

7. The Flintstones

8. Toy Story

Please ensure these movies are child-friendly/age-appropriate before letting your children watch them.

List of books for the dinosaur book reader:

1. How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? by Jane Yolen

2. Oh Say Can You Say Di-no-saur? by Bonnie Worth

3. Danny and the Dinosaur by Syd Hoff

4. Tea Rex by Molly Idle

5. How to Catch a Dinosaur by Adam Wallace

6. Tiny T. Rex and the Impossible Hug by Jonathan Stutzman

Please be sure that these books are age-appropriate for your children.

Saturday, September 25

Daughter's Day

Good Evening!!

I spent this morning shopping with my handsome husband, beautiful mother, beautiful daughter, and fantastic son!! I hope you guys had a fabulous day!!

There is nothing like spending time with the ones you love. Family and friends are everything. Always make time in your life for the ones you cherish and love.

Happy Daughter's Day to all you amazing daughters out there!! There is nothing in the world like the love between a mother and a daughter. A daughter is someone you can laugh with, dream with, spend time with, and have unconditional love that lasts forever. Happy Daughter's Day to my two lovely daughters.


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I'm Mimi, the passionate author behind the beloved JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series. My world revolves around the written word, teaching, and the pursuit of knowledge. In addition to crafting stories, I also have the rewarding role of homeschooling my two youngest children.

Friday, September 24

Playing in mud

So Much Fun!!

Who said playing in the mud isn’t fun? My grandson Joey is a living testament to the joy it brings! His laughter and excitement are infectious. I had a heartwarming chat with him yesterday, and his happiness is a constant source of joy for me.

When was the last time you played in the mud?

Why playing in the mud is good for you:
1. It is an excellent way for kids to interact with nature!
2. It can boost kids' creativity and imagination!
3. It can protect you from stress!
4. It can help reduce anxiety and calm you!
5. Playing in the mud may help boost your immune system!
6. It is suitable for your skin!

Playing in the mud is good for you, but never eat the mud!!! Never play in mud when you have a sore or cut on you; it can lead to an infection in your wound. 

Thursday, September 23

D is for Doughnuts

Happy Thankful Thursday!!! 

We are on letter Dd of the Gratitude Alphabet! D is for doughnuts!

Joey loves to eat Doughnuts!! What are you thankful for that begins with the letter Dd?

Joey loves to be kind to others, and he is very thankful for all of you! Joey said that someone once said, "The magic words are please and thank you." Always say please if you'd like something and thank you when you receive it. Those two words can mean a lot.  

Have a great day!! Remember to always be thankful and kind.


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Hi there! My name is Mimi, and I am the proud author of the beloved JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series and the heartwarming Santa's Rainbow Reindeer. I am extremely passionate about reading, writing, teaching, and lifelong learning. In fact, I am currently homeschooling my two youngest children, which has been a wonderful and rewarding experience. Thank you for your interest in my work!

Santa's Rainbow Reindeer is an enchanting tale that follows the adventures of Harry and Holly Jingles as they introduce readers to Santa's magical Rainbow Reindeer. Readers will delight in getting to know each of the unique reindeer one by one. The Rainbow Reindeer plays a special role in helping children prepare for bedtime, ensuring that Santa can deliver gifts while they are fast asleep. This interactive book promises an engaging and memorable experience for young readers.

Wednesday, September 22

Facts about Blue Whales

Blue Whale Facts 


Did you know a Blue Whale baby is considered the biggest baby on earth? When they are grown adults, their tongues can weigh almost as much as a small elephant. Their hearts are the size of a small car and can weigh as much as 1300 pounds. 

Blue Whales are the loudest animals on earth! Their call can reach one hundred eighty decibels and sometimes higher, and the sound can be heard for hundreds of miles underwater.

What is your favorite kind of whale?

Facts about Blue Whales:

1. Blue whales are the largest animals to exist on Earth. They can reach lengths of up to 100 feet and weigh over 200 tons. A blue whale’s heart alone is as large as a Volkswagen Beetle.

2. Blue whales feed primarily on tiny shrimp-like creatures called krill. During certain times of the year, a single adult blue whale can consume about 4 tons of krill daily.

3. Blue whales appear true blue underwater, but their coloring is more mottled blue-gray when they are at the surface of the water.

4. Their underbellies take on a yellowish hue due to millions of microorganisms living on their skin.

5. They have a broad flat head and a long tapered body ending in wide triangular flukes.

6. Blue whales are among the loudest animals on the planet. They emit pulses, groans, and moans and can hear each other up to 1,000 miles away. That is loud!

7. These graceful swimmers often travel alone or in pairs, occasionally swimming in small groups.

8. A baby blue whale emerges from its mother, weighing up to 3 tons and stretching to 25 feet.

Remember, these amazing marine mammals continue to awe us with their sheer size and fascinating behaviors!

Share a fact about blue whales with us.

Books about Blue Whales:

1. The Blue Whale by Jenni Desmond 

2. If I Were a Whale by Shelley Gill

Tuesday, September 21

Multiplication Math Trick

Math Trick

I wanted to share this super easy math trick with you guys. I did not learn this when I went to school, but I wish I had. I learned it while teaching my children math at home. It makes learning the 9 times table really simple.

Here's how it works: you write the numbers side by side on a piece of paper. In the tens place, you start at 0 and count up to 9; in the ones place, you start at 9 and countdown to 0. That's it! All your answers are right there in front of you. It's a breeze to do your 9 times tables with this trick. I wish I had it back in school, especially for the 9 times table, which was a real challenge. It's also been an excellent tool for teaching my son, who has Dyslexia.

Many cool tricks make math more accessible to learn. Please share a cool math trick that you learned with us.

Monday, September 20

Motivation is a key to success


Share a motivational quote or story with us to help get us motivated for the week!! You can get it done better when you are encouraged to do something. Motivation is one of the many keys to success!!

A list of ways to get you motivated:
1. Set reasonable goals
2. Review your goals regularly
3. Surround yourself with positive people
4. Always be nice to yourself
5. Celebrate both the small and big victories 
6. Do not give up or question your abilities
7. Read a hero story
8. Read motivational quotes
9. Ask for help when needed

Remember, motivation is a journey, not a destination. It's influenced by many factors, and it's up to us to harness its power. So, let's keep these insights in mind as we embark on our personal motivation journeys. Are you ready to take the first step? 

Thursday, September 16

Alphabet Gratitude C is for Cookies


Happy Thankful Thursday!! May your day be blessed and beautiful!!

What are you grateful for today?

Comment with something you are grateful for that starts with the letter Cc.

I am thankful for Cookies.

There are many things to be thankful forShowing thankfulness is good for your soul. It makes others happy as well as yourself. So, always remember to be grateful! 

I'm the Author of JOEY SAVES THE DAY! AT DAYCARE, and my 14-year-old daughter is an illustrator. You can find our book at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. Go check it out and let us know what you think of it.


I have made a variety of printables for you. Check them out, they are free:

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I'm Mimi, the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series. I love reading, writing, teaching, and learning. I homeschool my two youngest children. 

Facts About Christmas in America

The Journey of Christmas to America Christmas, as we know it today in America, is a tapestry woven from centuries of traditions, cultures, a...