Monday, October 11

Monday Morning Blues

What puts you in a good mood when you have the case of the MONDAY morning blues?

Joey and Jinger love to read and play with their toys before they head to daycare!!
I love to write, read, draw, and learn all the new things I can! Writing always puts me in a better mood on Mondays! I love writing my books and blog posts for you guys. I hope you enjoy them too!!

Some ways to get you in a good Monday Morning Mood:
 1. Yoga
 2. Exercise
 3. Eat a healthy breakfast
 4. Chat with a friend
 5. Tell a joke or listen to one
 6. Write a quick journal entry
 7. Smile!!
 8. Listen to music
 9. Take a walk with a friend
10. Do something nice for someone

Here is a list of books about moods:
1. The Boy with Big, Big Feelings by Britney Lee
2. The Way I Feel by Janan Cain
3. All Feelings Are Okay: by Emily Hayes
4. I’m Happy-Sad Today: by Lory Britain, Ph.D.
5. I Feel...: by DJ Corchin
6. B is for Breathe: by Dr. Melissa Boyd
Please ensure all books are child-friendly before reading to your child/children.

I have made a variety of printables for you. Check them out, they are free:

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