Monday, December 6

Facts about Reindeer

Reindeer Facts

Today, I wanted to blog about Reindeer. Let me tell you all about Reindeer, also known as Caribou. Caribou are wild and native to northern North America, while Reindeer are domesticated and native to northern Europe and Asia. Reindeer are a species of the deer family. 

Magical Reindeer pull Santa’s sleigh through the night sky on Christmas Eve! Santa and his Reindeer go to each house so he can leave gifts for the children. Only Santa’s Reindeer can fly because they are magical. Did you know that all Santa’s Reindeer are female? Scientists say that Santa’s Reindeer are all female. Male Reindeer lose their antlers in the winter, and females don’t lose theirs until the springtime. So, Santa's reindeer have to be female because they still have their antlers while flying Santa's sleigh. 


What do you put out for Santa and his Reindeer to eat on Christmas Eve?


Here is a list of Santa’s Reindeer in Alphabetical order:

  • Blitzen 
  • Comet 
  • Cupid 
  • Dancer 
  • Dasher 
  • Donner 
  • Prancer 
  • Rudolph 
  • Vixen

Here is a list of Santa's Rainbow Reindeer in alphabetical order:

  • Azul 
  • Daisy 
  • Emerald 
  • Periwinkle 
  • Pumpkin 
  • Skarlette 
  • Violet

Santa's Rainbow Reindeer is a book by Mimi Jones.

Facts about Reindeer:

1. Both the male and female Reindeer grow antlers.

2. Reindeers are herbivores. They eat grasses, herbs, mosses, fungi, lichen, leaves, and other vegetation types.

3. Reindeer have a four-chamber stomach. The four chambers of the Reindeer’s stomach are the Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum, and Abomasum.

4. Male Reindeer are called bulls or stags. Female Reindeer are called cows. A baby Reindeer is called a calf. A group of Reindeer are called herds. Reindeers travel and sleep in herds of 10 to as many as 500,000 reindeers. Some Reindeer herds are more extensive depending on what part of the world they live in.

5. Reindeer are powerful animals with solid and powerful legs. Reindeers can run up to 20 to 48 miles per hour.

6. Reindeer can swim when they need to cross the water. They can swim at speeds of up to 5 miles per hour, sometimes a little faster.

7. The height of the Reindeer measures about 3 to 5 feet from hooves to shoulders. They can weigh as much as 500 pounds.

8. Reindeer can live up to 10 or more years in the wild and up to 20 years in captivity.

9. Reindeer prefer to live in cold climates like Alaska, Northern North America, Europe, and Northern Asia.


Books about Reindeer:

1. Remarkable Reindeer by Jeff Bauer

2. Facts About the Reindeer by Lisa Strattin

3. The Wild Christmas Reindeer by Jan Brett

4. Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer by Robert L. May

5. 'Twas the Night Before Christmas: A 21st Century Retelling by Angela Nixon

Parents/caretakers should ensure books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.


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