Sunday, June 19

Happy Father's Day from JOEY SAVES THE DAY

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there, especially the ones that are working hard and making a living so that your children are well cared for. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to be a father. You are awesome and appreciated! Enjoy every moment of fatherhood both big and small because time goes by way too fast! 

Happy Father's Day to all the future dads out there!!

And also, Happy Father's Day to all the strong independent single ladies out there working hard to make ends meet so your children are well cared for. You are awesome and appreciated. 

Keep striving to be the best parent/caretaker you can be!!

Thank you for reading my post!! Don’t forget that "One small positive thought can change your whole day."-Zig Ziglar

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Mimi is the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series and other titles. She loves learning, reading, drawing, and writing. She is a homeschool mother of two children and she has two adult children that have already left the nest. Her beautiful and brilliant 16-year-old daughter illustrated the books and will illustrate all the rest of them in the series. Her daughter started illustrating the series when she was just 14 years old. Her daughter loves to draw and is learning as she goes. Her daughter’s dream is to one day become a famous illustrator and a fantasy book writer. Help Mimi make her daughter’s dreams a reality! 

Children and adults everywhere will love these books. The stories and illustrations within the pages of the books will put a big smile on your face. The books will spark your child’s imagination, and they will be delighted as you read to them. The illustrations are adorable and the stories are super cute. Plus, the books are a great source of learning and an easy way to teach your child how to read. You don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to own this collection of adorable books! All six of Mimi’s books are available on Amazon and most other places books are sold.


Delilah doesn't want to stay at daycare. So, Joey helps his friend Delilah feel happy by doing silly things to make her laugh at daycare. They have so much fun; the day is over in a flash!


Joey helps his Memaw find something she is missing and its right there in plain sight. Some of us have done this before! Join Joey in this funny and cute quest to find his Memaw's eyeglasses.


Joey helps his sister find her missing teddy bear. They look everywhere. I bet you can't guess where Joey and Jinger find the missing teddy bear?


Joey 's father gets lost while they are visiting the seven continents at the zoo. Come on this adorable adventure with Joey and his family as they visit each of the seven continents at the zoo!

Santa's Rainbow Reindeer

Join Harry and Holly Jingles as they introduce us to Santa's Rainbow Reindeer. Learn about them one by one. The Rainbow Reindeer help your children get ready for bed so Santa can bring them gifts when they are all tucked in their bed and sound asleep. This book is interactive.

Where, Oh, Where, Could My Dinosaur Be?

A little boy misplaces his stuffed dinosaur and needs your help to find it. Join the little boy on his hunt through his house to find his missing dinosaur. This book will stimulate your child's imagination. It will help teach them left and right learning and basic rhyming.

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