Tuesday, July 12

Facts about Dolphins

Dolphin Facts

Dolphins are cool! Let me tell you some cool facts about dolphins. Did you know that there are over 35 species of dolphins? Dolphins are mammals, warm-blooded, marine animals, and live in the water. They do not breathe with gills like fish; they breathe with their lungs.


Have you ever seen a dolphin?


Facts about dolphins:

1. Dolphins are carnivores. They eat fish, jellyfish, squid, and other aquatic creatures.

2. Orcas are considered dolphins. They are the largest species in the dolphin family and can grow to be about 30 feet long.

3. Here is a list of some of the different types of dolphins in alphabetical order:

  • Amazon river
  • Atlantic humpbacked
  •  Baiji
  • Common bottlenose
  • False killer whale
  • Indo-Pacific humpbacked
  • Orca
  • Risso's
  • Spinner
  • Striped

4. Dolphins sleep near the surface of the water. That way, they can get air when they need it. Dolphins usually sleep during the night but only for a few hours at a time. One side of the dolphin’s brain is always awake, even when asleep. The left side of the brain sleeps while the right side is awake, and vice versa. That makes it easier for them to come to the surface, even when asleep, to get air when needed.

5. Dolphins can swim up to 37 miles per hour (MPH), depending on the type of dolphin. The Orca whale/dolphin can swim up to 35 miles per hour. The Bottlenose dolphin can swim over 18 miles per hour.

6. Dolphins have large brains and are very intelligent. You and your parents/caretakers can experience your very own dolphin encounter and learn all about Dolphins by visiting The Dolphin Research Center in Grassy Key, Florida.

7. Dolphins are very social. They swim together in groups. A group of dolphins are called a pod.

8. The average lifespan of a dolphin is about 30 years. Nicklo, a bottlenose dolphin, lived for about 67 years in the wild. Nicklo was last seen in 2017 when she was 67 years old.


Share a fact about dolphins with us?



Get your free printable dolphin worksheet here:

Dolphin coloring sheet


Visit my printable section for a wide selection of worksheets and coloring sheets!



Books about Dolphins:

1. Everything Dolphin What Kids Really Want to Know about Dolphins by Marty Crisp

2. Dolphin Adventure by Wayne Grover

3. Dolphins by Rebecca Heller

4. Facts About the Amazon River Dolphin by Lisa Strattin

Parents/caretakers, be sure books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.



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Mimi is the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series and other titles. She loves learning, reading, drawing, and writing. 

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