Thursday, December 15

Facts about South Dakota

South Dakota Facts

Learn facts about South Dakota for kids.

Have you ever visited South Dakota before? Do you live there? Whichever it may be, you can learn some cool facts about South Dakota right here; just continue to read. I love learning cool facts about each of the different states in the United States. I would like to share some of those very cool facts with you! Every Thursday, I will post facts about each of the fifty states in the United States. The states will be done alphabetically (ABC) order! Last week, we posted facts about South Carolina. This week, we are posting cool facts about South Dakota. You will learn about South Dakota's state flag, bird, and many other facts. Only nine (9) more states to blog about! 

Did you know South Dakota was the fortieth (40th) state to join the union? Yes, that is right! South Dakota officially joined the union on November 2, 1889! South Dakota is located in the Midwestern region of the United States. South Dakota is bordered by six (6) states: North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Montana. South Dakota is the seventeenth (17th) largest state in the United States. That means South Dakota is one of the bigger states in the United States of America. There are about 895,375 people who live in the state of South Dakota.


South Dakota famous person alert:

Did you know Russell Charles Means was born in Porcupine, South Dakota? Russell Charles Means was an Oglala Lakota Sioux Indian civil rights activist, writer, and actor. To learn more about Russell Charles Means, CLICK HERE

Be sure to get your parent/caretaker’s permission before clicking on any links.



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Quick Facts about South Dakota:

1. South Dakota is known for Mount Rushmore, the Black Hills mountains, and its beautiful landscapes. A few of the nicknames for South Dakota are the Mount Rushmore State, the Blizzard State, and the Sunshine State. The South Dakota state motto is “Under God the People Rule.” The South Dakota state motto was adopted sometime in 1885. The abbreviation for South Dakota is SD.

2. South Dakota's capital is Pierre, which officially became the capital in 1889. Its estimated population is about 14,000.

3. The state bird for South Dakota is the Ring-necked Pheasant. The South Dakota Ring-necked Pheasant is a beautiful bird. The South Dakota Ring-necked Pheasant was chosen as the state bird for South Dakota in 1943. You can look at pictures and read more about the South Dakota Ring-necked Pheasant here: Click here

Remember to ask your parent/caretaker’s permission before clicking on any links!

4. The official state flower in South Dakota is the American Pasque flower. This perennial (wildflower) plant grows throughout South Dakota and starts blooming during the spring months. They are pretty flowers!! The South Dakota American Pasque flower became the official state flower on March 5, 1903.

5. South Dakota’s current state flag was officially adopted in 1861. South Dakota’s state flag has a blue background with their state seal on it. The words SOUTH DAKOTA THE MOUNT RUSHMORE STATE appear in yellow and circle around the state seal on the flag.

6. Crops grown in South Dakota are alfalfa, barley, hay, millet, sunflowers, and wheat.

7. Some cool places to visit in South Dakota are Mount Rushmore National Memorial, the Wind Cave National Park, and the Black Hills National Forest.

8. Animals in South Dakota are bison, big horn sheep, eagles, hawks, mountain goats, and white-tailed deer.

9. South Dakota can get very hot or cold, depending on the time of year. The hottest temperature recorded in South Dakota was 120 degrees Fahrenheit in Fort Pierre, South Dakota, on July 15, 2006. The coldest temperature ever recorded in South Dakota was -58 degrees (58 degrees below zero) Fahrenheit in McIntosh, South Dakota, on February 17, 1936.



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Facts about South Dakota



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South Dakota worksheet

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Books about South Dakota:

1. South Dakota by Jo S. Kittinger

2. M is for Mount Rushmore by William Anderson

3. Where Is Mount Rushmore? by True Kelley

4. South Dakota Curiosities by Bernie Hunhoff

Parents/caretakers, be sure books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.


You can Click here to purchase the 50 States workbook on Amazon.

You can also use the 50 States tab at the top of my page to find all the posts from all 50 states in one convenient place. 


Tune in next week to learn some cool facts about Tennessee! Thank you for reading my blog post!! " Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it." Albert Einstein

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Mimi is the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series and other titles. She loves learning, reading, drawing, and writing.


  1. The best children’s books ever . I have purchased them all.
    They are very well written and beautifully illustrated. They will make excellent Christmas gifts or Birthday gifts. They teach about friendship, kindness, sharing, and compassion.

    1. Thank you for the wonderful comments and for your love and support. I'm glad you like the books.


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