Tuesday, December 13

Facts about Valais Blacknose sheep

Valais Blacknose Sheep Facts

Have you ever heard of the Valais Blacknose sheep? Well, if you have, you know they are one of the world’s cutest sheep!! They are very fluffy and cute. The Valais Blacknose is a type of long-haired (wool) domestic sheep native to Switzerland. Their wool is primarily white on their body, with black on their face. Sometimes, a Valais Blacknose may be born with all-black fleece and a little white wool here and there on their body.


What is your favorite kind of sheep?


With your parent/caretaker’s permission, you may click on the link below to see some pictures of Valais Blacknose sheep: CLICK HERE


Facts about the Valais Blacknose sheep:

1. The Valais Blacknose sheep’s scientific name is Ovis Aries. There are well over 100 different breeds of sheep. Here is a list of some of the distinct types of sheep:

  • Askanian Sheep
  • Awassi
  • Dorset Sheep
  • Lincoln Sheep
  • Montadale
  • Southdown Sheep
  • Valais Blacknose Sheep

2. The Valais blacknose sheep is an herbivore. Herbivores means they do not eat meat. They eat plants, grasses, hay, and other plant matter. They love to graze in fields.

3. The Valais blacknose sheep can weigh as much as 200 pounds, depending on its gender.

4. A group of sheep is called a flock, herd, and/or fold. A female sheep is called an ewe. A male sheep is called a ram. Baby sheep are called a lamb, cosset, or lambkin.

5. The Valais blacknose sheep are very social and friendly. They would make a good pet for an experienced handler.

6. Sheep are diurnal. Diurnal means that they do most of their activities during the daytime hours. 

7. Both rams (Valais blacknose sheep) and ewes have horns.

8. The Valais black nose sheep is a rare breed, with about 14,000 still living in Valais, Switzerland.


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Valais Blacknose sheep


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Valais Blacknose sheep

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Books about Valais Blacknose/sheep:

1. Baa-Baa Blacknose Sheep: The Blacknose Sheep from Valais by Fabienne Truffer

2. Homesteading Animals (5) Valais Blacknose Sheep by Norman J. Stone

3. Snoopy the Sheep by Helga Moser

4. Agnes and the Sheep by Elle Rowley

Parents/caretakers, be sure books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children.



Short story alert:

Once upon a time, there was a big, fluffy, white, and very adorable sheep named Florence. Florence was a Valais Blacknose sheep. She loved grazing the field she lived on, eating grass and other plant matter for hours a day. One day, while grazing, she noticed another sheep. This sheep was different-looking. Florence slowly made her way over to the sheep, and when she got close enough, she stood there patiently watching the other sheep. The other sheep said, “Hello, my name is Fluffy; nice to meet you.” Florence said, “Hello there; I was just admiring your beauty.” Fluffy, an Askanian sheep, told Florence she was also admiring her beauty. They would graze together and talk to each other about their sheep lives. Fluffy shared a scary encounter with a coyote, but thankfully, her dog friend chased it away. Florence also had a similar experience but was saved by the farmer. They were both very happy and thankful sheep. The two sheep spent a lot of time together over the years and grew to love one another. They became the best of sheep friends! THE END! By Mimi Jones


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Mimi is the author of the JOEY SAVES THE DAY! book series and other titles. She loves learning, reading, drawing, and writing. 

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