Wednesday, March 20

Facts about Henry David Thoreau


   Learn some quick facts about 

Henry David Thoreau. 


This week’s famous poet is Henry David Thoreau. Last week’s famous poet was Emily Bronte

Henry David Thoreau, a luminary in the world of poetry, is known for his profound works. His masterpiece, Walden, is a testament to his literary prowess. With over twenty volumes of poems, essays, and other works, Thoreau's contributions to literature are unparalleled. Born in the quaint town of Concord, Massachusetts, to John Thoreau and Cynthia Dunbar, he was the eldest of four siblings.


Continue reading to delve deeper into the life and works of Henry David Thoreau. His journey is not just a story, but a valuable lesson in literature and life. 


Here is a list of some poems by Henry David Thoreau: 

  • My Prayer
  • The Inward Morning
  • Friendship
  • Mist
  • The Moon
  • I was Made Erect and Lone
  • Inspiration
  • Conscience
  • The Thaw

Parents and caretakers, rest assured that Thoreau's poems are child-friendly. Before sharing them with your little ones, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and simplicity of his words.

What is your favorite poem? 


 Quick facts about Henry David Thoreau: 

1. He was born July 12, 1817, in Concord, Massachusetts.

2. Henry David Thoreau was 44 years old when he died. He passed away on May 6, 1862, in Concord, Massachusetts, where he was born and spent most of his life. He is buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, a place that holds significant historical and literary importance. His grave is a pilgrimage site for many literature enthusiasts, a testament to the enduring impact of his work.

3. The following is one of Henry David Thoreau’s poems: 

The Thaw

I saw the civil sun drying earth’s tears —

Her tears of joy that only faster flowed,


Fain would I stretch me by the highway side,

To thaw and trickle with the melting snow,

That mingled soul and body with the tide,

I too may through the pores of nature flow.


But I alas nor tinkle can nor fume,

One jot to forward the great work of Time,

‘Tis mine to hearken while these ply the loom,

So shall my silence with their music chime.

(You can print out a worksheet on this poem. The worksheet is designed to help you engage more deeply with the poem by filling in the missing words. This interactive activity can enhance your understanding and appreciation of Thoreau's poetry.) 

4. Henry David Thoreau wrote essays, articles, journals, books, and poems. He is best known for these two works:

  • Civil Disobedience (essay)
  • Walden (book)

5. Henry David Thoreau's interests and skills were not limited to literature. He also worked at his father’s pencil company, where he made significant improvements to the pencils produced. This aspect of his life showcases his innovative thinking and practical skills.

6. Here is a list of Henry David Thoreau’s siblings:

  • Helen Thoreau
  • John Thoreau
  • Sophia Thoreau

7. Despite his significant contributions to literature, Thoreau never married, and he did not have any children. His focus was primarily on his work and his relationship with nature, which is evident in his writings.

8. Thoreau shared a close friendship with Ralph Waldo Emerson, a renowned philosopher and writer of the time. Thoreau lived with the Emersons for about three years, during which he tutored Emerson’s sons. This period was a significant influence on Thoreau's intellectual and personal development.

9. Interestingly, Thoreau was born with the name David Henry Thoreau. He later switched his first and middle name, a decision he made sometime after he graduated from his studies at Harvard. The reason behind this change remains a subject of speculation, but it is believed to be a personal choice.


Share a fact about Henry David Thoreau with us in the comments? 




Get your printable Henry David Thoreau worksheet here:

Click here 



Visit my printables section for a wide selection of worksheets and coloring sheets!



Books about Henry David Thoreau: 

1. Little Naturalists: Henry David Thoreau in the Woods by Kate Coombs

2. The Magical Story of Walden Pond by Krimsey Lilleth

3. Henry David Thoreau for Kids by Corinne Smith


Parents/caretakers, be sure books are child-friendly before reading them to your child/children. 


Thank you for reading my poet post!! If you find a mistake, please let me know. 


Tune in next time to learn some quick facts about Christina Rossetti!

Discover the Famous Poets Workbook, available for purchase on Amazon. Click on the book to explore its comprehensive details and enrich your poetry journey.


"This world is but a canvas to our imagination." —Henry David Thoreau




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Mimi is a talented author, celebrated for her delightful "Joey Saves the Day!" book series and other engaging titles. Her passion for learning, reading, drawing, and writing shines through her work. As a devoted homeschooling mother, she nurtures the minds of her two young children while also taking pride in the independence of her two adult children, who have already embarked on their own paths.

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